Monday, October 12, 2009

How to attract younger women

How To Attract Younger Women
One of the biggest problems older guys have is thinking that age is an issue when attracting women.
They believe that if they are significantly older than the girl they want to be with, it’s a disadvantage. After all, would a 21 year old girl really be attracted to a 45 year old man?
Well, the answer is YES. Most definitely.
All you have to do is just keep from falling into the trap that being older is a disadvantage. Frankly, it’s acceptable for younger women to date older men. Lots of girls do it, and lots of girls find older men sexy.
Just remember what Ronald Regan said to Walter Mondale when he was attacked in the debates for being too old to be president. When asked what role age played in being President, Regan said "I would never, ever, use my opponent’s youth and inexperience against him."
In one simple sentence, Regan switched the issue from him being "too old" to Mondale being "too young and inexperienced."
When it comes to women, you have to do the same thing. Being older is an ADVANTAGE. You know things about women they have yet to discover. You know how best to please a woman. You know how to take care of them. It’s their YOUTH that is an obstacle!
But here’s the real key… having a young personality is all it takes to attract younger women! Being funny, interesting, engaging, and up to date on pop culture is all you need to hold your own with the younger guys.
In my course Pure Personality, I go into great detail on how men can attract any woman they want, no matter how old they are, what they look like, or what their nationality is. In the end, attraction is all about creating emotion, and if you can do that, you can get a girl of any age.
Don’t believe me? My friend John Alanis hooks up with women younger than him all the time! And he’s an old, short Texas dude. Check out how he does it on his website and you’ll see how it’s possible.

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